70-290 Concepts: Server Performance and Troubleshooting
· To sort entries or to view a subset of entries for a log, you can use a filter
· The system monitor displays both real time and logged performance data via the perfmon.msc – task manager displays a simple subset
· The performance logs and alert tools is also a node within the performance mmc snap-in and supports logged performance monitoring and alerts through event triggers. Export as .blg .csv .tsv .sql
· You measure a computers performance y specifying performance objectives, performance counters and instances of those selected performance objects.
· The system monitor tool opens with three sets of performance objects:
o Memory: pages/sec – the value should be between 0-20; not constantly higher than 20
o Processor: % Processor time: _Total: This should remain consistently below 85%
o Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length:_Total: This should remain between 0-2; not constantly higher than 2
· Task manager > network performance, should be lower than 30%
· Licensing icon in the control panel lets you configure licensing for the local server. Enterprise version lets you do it site/domain wide; must be an administrator and licensing service must be started – default is disabled.
· IIS 6 and the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) must be installed on a server if you want to enable users to connect to printers using port 80 and their web browsers. (http://server01/printers an http://server01/printername/.print)
· For Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to work properly, the target computer must have the Automatic Updates software installed. Already installed on (2000 SP3, XP SP1, 2003); NT, ME, 9x are not supported. Two GP settings are required: configure automatic updates & specify intranet MS Update Service – both are under Config\Admin Templates\Windows Comp\Windows Update
· Use the RUN AS command to run programs and utilities as a different user. (runas /user:domain\username cmd)