Here is a handy script that was written to gather the local hard drive storage, both avaliable and free, and appends to the file. This works great for places where you want to see a trend. I run this monthly, but you could run it weekly or whenever you want. It creates a sepereate file for each logical partition, and each entry is on a single line so it works great.
' Writes drive space to the Tools directory
' Written by Jason Olson
' Based on work by Inge B. (
' Get the available logical drives and load them into an array from WMI
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 3")
' Calculate scale
function freespace(drive, name, space, space2, filesys2)
pct = round(space/space2 , 2)*100
if space >= 1073741824 then
space = Round(space / 1073741824, 2)
units = "GB"
elseif space >= 1048576 then
space = Round(space / 1048576, 2)
units = "MB"
elseif space >= 1024 then
space = Round(space / 1024, 2)
units = "KB"
units = "B"
End If
if space2 >= 1073741824 then
space2= Round(space2/ 1073741824, 2)
units2 = "GB"
elseif space2>= 1048576 then
space2=Round(space2/1048576, 2)
units2 = "MB"
elseif space2>= 1024 then
space2=Round(space2/1024, 2)
units2 = "KB"
units2 = "B"
End If
freespace = Date() & Chr(9) & " " & space2 & " " & units2 & Chr(9) & space & " " & units & " free " & Chr(9) & "(" & pct & "%) " & Chr(9) & filesys2
End function
' Strips out the colon from the drive name so we can use it as a filename
function drivename(name)
drivename = left(name,1)
End function
' Find the tools directory, create it if missing
For Each objItem In colItems
fldrx = objItem.DeviceID & "\Tools\"
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if NOT fso.FolderExists(fldrx) Then
fso.CreateFolder (fldrx)
fldcx = True
Exit For
End If
Exit For
' Write the data to the tools directory
For Each objItem In colItems
fs = freespace(objItem.DeviceID, objItem.VolumeName, objItem.FreeSpace, objItem.Size, objItem.FileSystem)
drvlet = drivename(objItem.DeviceID)
fsl = fldrx & "drivespace_" & drvlet & ".txt"
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fso.OpenTextFile(fsl, "8", True)