DHCP Server Logs

There have been several instances where I have been trying to troubleshoot DHCP Issues live, or other cases when I needed to know what computer had a specific IP address in the past…. A useful way to find out this information is to use/view the DHCP server logs. The log keeps only the past 7 days of logs, but through backups, you can actually go back to any point in time.

The log it located at C:\Windows\System32\dhcp

The logs are named dhcpsrvlog-mon; dhcpsrvlog-tues, etc… you get the idea. There is also a separate log to DHCPv6 (IPv6) addreseses.


Also, along that lines, don’t specifically trust the DHCP Lease active/inactive status as indicated in the DHCP console. Sometimes a reservation is used for a device that is set statically, so DHCP will show inactive, while the address is actually in use. Also it might show active even though the device isn’t properly receiving an IP address.
