The adventures begin when a person moves from a sole proprietorship to a company with multiple employees. The adage of “slow-to-hire, quick-to-fire” somehow becomes muddled and reversed! Making the first few employee choices very quick, and then hanging on to them for far, far too long. Until there is a breaking point, damage is done, and relationships are broken… both between employer, employee – along with collateral damage with other employees and customer/vendors.
Recently we have been faced with having take measures to let an employee know that his behaviour was getting out of line. Instead of simply blowing the company off, they became abusive and attack the company and it’s management. Not surprising, certainly. Worse yet, we really had no idea of just how well we were taking care of our employee’s compensation and benefits until this event forced is to look into it. And while sitting in the office with our HR Attorney, we recounted the same story … “how could they do that when we treat them so well…like family?” However, they tell us that is what they hear weekly. The employer who feels that they bent over backwards for an employee who simply back stabbed the employer over something menial. And typically it comes down to money. Oh, there are other words and feeling exchanged, but frequently money is the bottom line.
Going forward, a bit slower to hire, and much faster to get rid of potential dead weight!