Dr Ping
What is the purpose? If you are curious to see how your broadband ISP measures up against competition in terms of latency to many different internet destinations, then Doctorping will help. It calculates a latency benchmark, which you can use to compare to others in your ZIP or state.
How to get your score: Please download the windows-only executable, doctorping.exe. Unpack it onto your desktop, find the doctorping program icon (looks like a bullseye with a red cross in it), and run it. Doctorping will check the latency to a class of internet routers spread through the US, and take your browser back to this page, to display your ping score, and your rank.
How is the score calculated?
The score is the MEDIAN of all the millisecond ping results. Those who remember high school stats know that the median is less sensitive to outliers (extreme results at either end of the spectrum).
What is a good score?
The lower the doctorping score the better. A good score is one that is top in your area (US state). A bad score is one that is bottom in your area.
What does it measure?
The measure is the average of the latency from you to many IP addresses, spread fairly evenly around the US. Some routers are near you, others are far away.
I’ve got a terrible score! What does that mean!
It means that your average latency is measured as relatively high. If others in your area, on the same ISP, score much better, it may indicate a problem with your line or setup. If others in your area, on the same ISP, also score badly, your ISP may not be efficiently routing you, compared to competing companies.
You can find out more about this tool at: http://www.dslreports.com/beta/doctorping